With our smart dynamic shortcodes you can create one landing page that dynamically adjusts content based on which product QR code a consumer scans. This could be helpful for a product category, where the general information you want to provide is the same (e.g. recycling instructions and brand story) but you want consumers to see a landing page specific to the product in their hand, without you having to create a new landing page for each product.

There are three groups of dynamic shortcodes..

  1. Product standard data
    1. Product name [PRODUCT_NAME]
    2. Product group [PRODUCT_GRP]
    3. Product image [PRODUCT_IMG]
    4. More info [MORE_INFO]
  2. Product attributes [CUSTOM]
    1. E.g. the product attribute “Carbonation” would be [CARBONATION]
  3. Packaging components
    1. E.g. for the first component..
    2. Component 1 name [COMP1_NAME]
    3. Component 1 material type [COMP1_MATERIAL]
    4. Component 1 weight [COMP1_WEIGHT]
    5. Component 1 % recycled content [COMP1_R%]

Product image [PRODUCT_IMG] and [MORE_INFO], can be set how you want. To set them, go to the Catalogue page and click on the Bulk upload/edit button. You are now in the bulk upload/edit tool, and you will see on the far right side of the grid the two columns titled [MORE_INFO] and [PRODUCT_IMG]. For the [MORE_INFO] column you can free text whatever you wish here (or add a hyperlink), and when you add this short code to the landing page it will dynamically pull the information through based on the product scanned. For the [PRODUCT_IMG] column you can add an image file or link that you are hosting for each product. Click on save changes and then head over to your landing page. Click on the "+" button to add an image section. Select the Image source as URL, then in the Image source URL box enter the shortcode [PRODUCT_IMG].

Here is a basic example of how you would set up some dynamic short codes. First, look at the landing page tool…


Second, look at the bulk edit/upload tool. Note that in this example, for product image we are using a URL…